Supporting Unit and Networks
In addition to firms for completeness organization, YIS has a publication unit to documenting the various activities of the organization to be described in the form of information to the public. The activities include: Books Publishing, Newsletters, Learning Tools for training and implementation of programs, etc. The books most recent issue include: Mengubah Mitos Kesehatan, Panduan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Pelatihan Dana Bergulir, Pengantar Ekonomi Rumah Tangga, 5 Unsur Wirausaha Sukses, Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Melalui Pendampingan Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat, Manajemen Konflik, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Ketahanan Pangan, dan Teknik Dasar Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.
As an organization that is open and always wanted to learn, YIS incorporated in the various cooperation forums at the local, regional and international, such as: FEDEP (Forum For Economic Development and Employment Promotion) Kota Surakarta, ASPPUK (Association of Women Business Assistance Small), E-Net for Justice (Education Network for Justice), Gema PKM (Movement Microfinance Development Community) Indonesia, Mitra SatuDunia, ASPBAE (Asian South Pasific Bureau of Adult Education), APPROTECH Asia, and Micro Credit Summit. YIS also quite active following an Internet-based network (the e-group discussions that are relevant).